
Monday, March 19, 2012

Happy 4th, Peter!

Four years Old! It seemed like it was just yesterday you were born and now you are four. I know I have said this every time when your birthday is here but that is exactly how I feel about how fast time seemed to have vanished. You are such a busy boy that a year of time just zoomed by with all the activities you got yourself into. I re-read some of last year's posts and realized how much you have grown since your last birthday. I will try to list some of your recent achievement/endeavor that really popped out from my memories:
~ You STILL eat avocado frequently.
~You love chicken. Sometimes we tried to trick you to eat other meat by saying it was chicken (sometimes it worked sometimes it did not) :)
~ You are able to recite "Go, Dogs. Go!", "Red Riding Hood", "Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb" and "the Little Red Ca-boo" with such interesting expression in your voice. Even though you could not really pronounce all the words, you did a good job making the noise that sounded like the words.
~ Yes, "My First Picture Dictionary" and "ABC's of the Sea" are still your favorite night time reading and you would not let me skip any of the letters. One time I read it almost to the "Z" page an you said to me that I missed a page that has rhinoceros on it. Yes, the "R" page. :)
~ You started showing interest in the little children's Bible I got for you. I can't wait to start reading all the awesome stories to you from that Great Book!
~Movie watching is still one of your your favorite things to do. But since you are really only allowed to watch them as a special treat (such as at times when I am hosting the monthly CM workshops), you automatically said "Wall-E" every time you saw us pulling the tables out, even when they were not for the monthly workshops.
~When we are leaving the house, we must give you a kiss and a hug and say "I love you" or you would be so sad until we return home, if we forget to do it. We love you, Peter!
~ You could count your numbers from 1- 10 backward and forward effortlessly long before you turned four. Just amazing. This year we will work on more numbers.
~You love to play rough with your brother.
~You actually recognize your oldest brother's picture and says "Erik" every time we point to it. Can't wait for you to see your big, big brother in June.
~Smoothie is your new favorite drink. We try to make it with strawberries and bananas, especially for you. Sometimes I would sneak in some spinach (you have not noticed any difference) for that healthy measure. :)
~You love singing with your brother and sister, especially when we are in the car going somewhere.
~You are now 50 pounds and I need to measure your height soon for the record.
And so much more...

Here are some pictures of your special day(s)...

Birthday breakfast tradition (this morning)

Took a picture with sister before she left for her senior performance audition.

Since We had a very busy days today, we actually celebrated your birthday (the dinner and present parts) last night.

A picture with brother and Daddy.

You loved the card I gave you. When I was creating the cards for my card class, you were so excited about this particular one so I decided to give it to you on your birthday. :)

Reading what everyone wrote in there for you.

Oh, what did you get for your birthday? Pokey!

and Gumby!

We got you some movies from Answers in Genesis. 

Happy birthday, my dear boy!
We love you!

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