
Sunday, May 10, 2009

A day of love

I was awaken by the noise running up stairs. Before I could say anything, "Happy Mother's Day!" was shouted out by the children and Robert with the flung of the bedroom door. They did it again! Breakfast in bed. Such a nice gift. I had a lovely day, Robert and Christine did all of the cooking - Breakfast in bed (Josh helped in this one), BBQ tri-tip for lunch and homemade pizza for dinner. Christine also made a pesto cheese spread (one of her class assignments) for snack with cracker and we had T.J.'s cheese cake for dessert. Erik called this evening to wish me a happy day. It was good to hear his voice. Emma had to work tonight but he said he had taken care of the kids so Emma could have a somewhat relax day today. That's comforting to know he is being a considered hubby to his wife. I had a good day as well as my family wouldn't let me do anything at all today (I did do something this evening, because I am a mother. :)) I got to cuddle with Peter the whole time, well, almost the whole time minus the naps. Peter walked to me (a few steps, but still)! He is so ready to explore the house and the big people food. He is ready to grow up , but I am not ready for him to...

Homemade waffle and coffee...

Cheese cakes for dessert. yummy...

Peter on his exploring trail...

We like the pot Christine made so much that we decided to mosaic all of the clay pots we have in our little patio. My friend Kim said she would want us to use up her left over pebble rocks as she has no more use of them. She even gave us some cock adhesive. Thank you Kim, for your generosity!

Christine made two more. We had such a good time doing the craft and just chat about things. I love spending time with my children like this. I think making a craft will become a new tradition on Mother's Day for our family.

Robert and the children's gift for me today (besides all the cookings) was to make a little potted garden for me. These pots would be perfect for the line-up. I am still thinking about how to make our little garden in such a small space. Time to do some on-line research...

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