We are technically in the middle of June now. The beautiful sunny weather finally returned. We have been enjoying our first summer days.
We went to the Ronald Reagan Library on Tuesday and got to go into the museum part of the building thanks to a friend's gift of free admission. This summer the Library's featured display is the Magna Carta. We forgot to take pictures of the display but Christine did take a lot of the pictures for the rest of the day.
I also took some pictures of us just hanging around the house and the local mall before the Library trip.

Cousins having fun at the Town Center.
watching "I love Lucy".
Christine took this picture.

Peter tip toed for a bite from Daddy. So cute.
Below are pictures of the Library and T.O. mall.
The Reagan Library Courtyard entrance.

The original Declaration of Independence in the display case.

The whole view.

Replica Inkstand.

President Reagan's car.

What a visual aid!

This is the
bullet-proof vest President Reagan wore after his release from the hospital after the failed

The White House board game. Much like our Monopoly game set up won't you say?

The plane!

It's huge!

The plane nose points right at the beautiful view of mountains.

The cousins having much fun at that game.

The first floor hosts an eating area and
gift shop.

Just love this view. It was one of President Reagan's dreams to share the Air Force One with the American public. Such an
honor to have this National Treasure right in our back yard.

The model scale of the Air Force One Pavilion.

The Police
Gorgeous day.

This nameless bug landed on Christine's face and got flicked off to the rail. It sort of looked like a lady bug.

The surrounding hills and mountains.
I am not visiting here...

Now that's a table setting. Take a lesson, Christine. :)

Did you catch the Jelly beans jar? That's President Reagan's favorite candy.

The Oval Office replica.

This First Lady's dress is so timeless.

President Reagan owned 372 belt bugles. He could wear one each day!

"This one has the same initial as Grandpa's!" Joshua said

President Reagan's final resting place.

Thank you, President Reagan, for sharing a part of the American history with us through your Library.

We hit In 'N Out after the Library. Peter had his first fries and oh yes, he liked it all right!

Our next stop was the newly renovated Oaks Mall.


Peter was so good today. We were all amazed at his quietness in the Library.
We saw Marisa (Christine's friend) at the Oaks Mall. She works at our favorite ice cream place!
Hi mom! I love your blog! Just wanted to say I love you!!!! :)
Thank you Sweetheart! I love you too!!! :)
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