
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The "Hope To Complete" List

It is quite interesting to think that the New Year's Day will bring in the motivation to attempt new en-devours or press on old ones with renewed energy.  But it is true, a new day of the year does offer this kind of inspiration. I am glad for it because I have a few things I would like to complete in this coming year.

The first thing I would like to attempt is....


Hmmm.... How original, right?

Well, this list is not complicated. In fact, I would like it to be as simple as possible. I work well with simple lists and obtainable small victories.

I also thought to myself, instead of calling them goals or dreams, I would like to call it the "Hope To Complete" List - a better fitting name for this season of my life. I will start with some HTC projects/tasks and add to them as they come (and they will come).

Without further adieu and not in any particular order...

1) Work on the new (to us) house, making it our home - one room at a time.

2) Invite friends over once a month, preferably one family at a time. It is only in this kind of small, intimate setting that friendship is fostered on a more personal level.

3) Think up more fun field trip ideas for our family

4) Morning devotional/memorize verses

5) Read at least one book (this may sound silly but I have not been able to enjoy reading a book all the way through for a while, for various personal reasons)

It feels great writing down these things that have been circling in my head for a while. New year brings new energy and by God's grace, I think I am ready to press on!

1 comment:

Kim N. said...

Happy New Year 2013!

Loved your post.