
Monday, February 14, 2011

Peter's Valentine's

Peter had his first group Valentine's with all his pre-school friends! Our school group celebrated it last Thursday. Since it was Peter's first year of participation, we got some See's suckers for his age group. They were well received. The tip of buying those suckers in a box is that you have a choice of the sucker flavor - chocolate, coffee, butterscotch or vanilla, at the amount you want - at half of the regular price.

We just punched out some heart shapes and tied them on the suckers and twirled some ribbons on it. It was simple but festive enough.

Peter checking out all of the goodies he got.

He had so much fun looking through all of the sweet cards.

My poor kid, he is so deprived. I took away all of the sugar candies after he looked through the bag and he did not even know the difference.

Look at all of the suckers he got! Well, they will be "inspected" and put away and probably will be distributed once in a blue moon. He could keep all his cards, games and pencils though. :)

~Photos by Christine with the exception of the first picture. Thank you, Sweetheart~

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