I can't remember what we've been doing these days but I know they were busy days. Days that I treasured without a doubt. Took some pictures of Peter trying to feed himself (priceless). My best friend Christina came over on Monday spending some time talking photography with Christine. Yesterday we went to a park and my Mom's home and then a movie out with Robert. Today Christine had Amber over. Tomorrow we will be going to our dear friends the Neuzils and Friday we may hit the Aquarium in Long Beach and Saturday we will be celebrating our nation's Independence Day by going to the Reagan's Library (free water melon and face painting and lots of free fun things for the children to do) follow by a BBQ dinner and maybe opt out on going to the firework event, instead we will be watching it by our windows upstairs (we have a good view there and no traffic to fight).
I wonder what Erik and Emma and the grand kids are going to do on that day?
Some times next week I will be seeing my dear brother and his family. I am thankful that we are still keeping in contact. Sibling harmony is a thing you'd come to appreciate when you get older.

Christine's pic of herself playing the piano.

How about a game of puzzles, Mommy?

Hi Christine....

Christine tried to shoot some flowers using the technique she just learned from auntie Chris. Beautiful!

Another pic from Christine. That was an amazing sunset. Click to enlarge...

Peter trying to feed himself.

It was fun. I decided to remove his shirt instead of trying to protect it with bib and papers.

Sweet baby!

Peter saw his first dandelions.

Oh so fun to blow at it...

Joshua having fun under the hot sun.

This park has amazing "outdoor instruments" for kids to play....

A little "giant" coming to a small town?

Peter loved the swinging.

Taking a walk with brother.

Don't go too far, guys...

"Peter, look over there to see Mommy..."
There's Mommy!
Let's go to Mommy...

I'm a com'in, mama, I'm a com'in...

Almost there...

Hi Mama! huh? I have to pose for another picture?
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