
Friday, April 24, 2009

My soap-maid

This is not a new idea but I thought I would post just for fun. Since I couldn't bring myself to buy one of those fancy soap pumps and I dislike the "soapy water sink for soaking" style of cleaning, I came up with this:

I filled up a empty dish soap bottle with water leaving some room close to the top.

Then I fill the "room" with the store bought dish liquid soap.

Give it a good shake.

It's ready to be of service. :)
It saves us lots of money on the soap and water bill and the dishes came out just as clean.


  1. That is so smart! I do this, but add water to the soap; I think your method will likely be less 'bubbly'! You wonder how over-soaped the dishwasher and the washing machine are too, don't you? Not to mention how much extra shampoo we probably use?? all about sales, baby!!

  2. Couldn't have agreed more! I have stopped filling the dishwasher detergent to the top and am very picky about the kind of detergent I get. Shampoo, sigh, I am still working on a homemade solution.
